
A technique with great advantages

Vesícula biliarVesícula biliar

In the past, when your surgeon recommended gallbladder surgery, perhaps you thought about the experience of a family member or friend who had had this surgery years ago. These people had a large incision and had probably had a lot of pain after surgery. They were in the hospital for a week and did not return to normal activities for about six weeks. You may be worried about a similar experience. Perhaps you can't afford to be away from your job, and you're worried about not being fully functional at home for a month or more.

Today there is an innovative technique with great advantages. The medical name for this procedure is Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. Today, most gallbladder surgeries are performed laparoscopically.

  • Instead of an incision of 13 - 18 cm, the operation requires only four small openings in the abdomen.
  • The patient usually has minimal postoperative pain.
  • The patient usually experiences a faster recovery than patients operated with traditional gallbladder surgery. Most patients return home within a day and enjoy a quick return to normal activities.